
Showing posts from September, 2006

Heavy, man (I’m addicted to drone & blues)

Acid Mothers Temple & The Cosmic Inferno Starless and Bible Black Sabbath Alien8 Recordings Released 2.7.06 Rating: 2.75 out of 4 Seriously, I picked this up because I thought the album title was cool, but I had no idea what I was in for. Kawabata Makoto , leader of the Japanese psychedelic act known as Acid Mothers Temple & The Cosmic Inferno , could quite possibly be music’s answer to David Koresh . Acid Mothers Temple is more of a cult than a band, with off-shoots galore and a slew of records that I’ve yet to even try and track down. Cosmic Inferno is the newest manifestation from the core of Acid Mothers Temple and Starless and Bible Black Sabbath is one of their newest offerings. Obvious in their allegiance to Sabbath and wildly plugged into the nuances of the mighty DRONE, Acid Mothers Temple delightfully throw you head first into a vacuum that you may never find your way out of. This album, whose contents only provide two tracks, is excessively drawn out and exc...

Don't Feel Right: The Roots get inspired by uncertainty

r The Roots Game Theory Def Jam Released 8.26.06 Rating: 3.75 out of 4 This has been a strange millennium. The average Post-9/11 American is a mass of fucked up nerves, barely settling for its Paxil coma while its tied tightly around its need for immediate safety, satisfaction, and Starbucks; its one ear plugged into Clear Channel airwaves, fast food entertainment and news while a cell phone yaps away in its other indifferent ear, its face full of reality TV as it uncontrollably twitches with every flying plane heard zooming overhead or sheds a tear with every mention of the word “levee.” It’s been five years since the era-defining tragedy-turned-political strategy occurred, a full year since Hurricane Katrina exposed economic hardships at home and our lack of disaster preparedness, and we’re no more safe or certain about anything except that we’re very uncertain. As The Roots so succinctly put it: ”It don’t feel right .” Uncertain times create mood. I can only imagine that that m...

Rather Ripped for the June Series

Sonic Youth Rather Ripped Geffen Released 6.13.06 Sonic Nurse Geffen Released 6.8.04 Murray Street Geffen Released 6.25.02 Rating: 3.75 out of 4 A month or two ago, I picked up a copy of Sonic Youth ’s Rather Ripped during my lunch break. Intrigued by the DIY, Crass-based cover, not to mention the weird title, I wondered if this album was some sort of return to the sonic seeds that had long since germinated into their twenty-five year young career. Back when “Youth” had some truth to it. But, it wound up being the third in a series of SY albums that basically states, “Yes, friends...our best years may be behind us, but we still have a lot to offer.” Think of this series as a postscript, possibly an addendum, to an otherwise solid and ballsy avant-legacy that is now content in making music for music’s sake. It’s like they’ve found their inner- McCartney . Rather Ripped , 2002’s Murray Street and 2004’s Sonic Nurse , have worked to further Sonic Youth from the experimental noise j...