Fugazi's latest branch in the family tree...

The Evens Get Evens Dischord Released 11.7.06 Rating: 4 out of 4 Fugazi is one of those bands that I’m thankful to have heard as a teenager. As I type this, I can remember that first piercing riff spill out of my skater buddy’s boombox within seconds after throwing in In On The Kill Taker , the Fugazi tape that I had purchased earlier that day, and exclaiming “YES!” once that tape’s promise had been delivered. I still have that tape. It takes up a small space in my CD tower, living its existence as an enlightening memento of my youth. The second I’d heard “Around the Corner,” the second track on The Evens self-titled debut, I knew Ian MacKaye ’s post-Fugazi career would be worth paying attention to. No longer loud, but no less affecting, MacKaye and ex- Warmer Amy Farina are either this millennium’s answer to the protest band or a slightly rugged return to hippy folk. It’s hard to imagine that MacKaye was once in a band that belted out a quote so memorable as, “The...