Memory almost grandé…

Paul McCartney Memory Almost Full Hear Music Released 6.5.07 Rating: 5 out of 10 Some of the first people to hear Memory Almost Full , Paul McCartney ’s latest album, were getting their morning coffee and were on their way to somewhere. 10,000 stores nationwide, all providing cream and sugar for the coffee and some artificial sweetener for the ears. After leaving EMI , longtime label of the former Beatle , Paul decided to be the premiere act for Starbuck ’s record label, Hear Music , the coffee gods’ foray into something more than caffeinated consumer culture. As a result, Paul = Coffee. He’s Paul McCoffee. No longer will the general public associate Paul with walruses, death and lefties. No! I think Paul; I think coffee. Paul is dead, Paul is dead, misshimmisshim…now I’m dying for some fucking coffee. Maybe that was the Starbucks plan. I’m not sure if it was Paul’s, but he has left chaos and creation for the sake of marketing. And that’s why Memory Almost Full s...