“Everything Is Average Nowadays” – Killing (And Maiming) Your Indie Idols

The above title references an unintentionally average song by the Kaiser Chiefs and perfectly summarizes the following indie observations about the following indie albums: Kaiser Chiefs Your Truly, Angry Mob UMVD Labels Released: 3.27.2007 Rating: 5 out of 10 The Kaiser Chiefs , displaying their own overwrought brand of epic new wave extremism, (see Bloc Party ), hit occasionally and miss more often with Yours Truly, Angry Mob . The Chiefs work capably, taking template after template and applying them to every song like a paint-by-numbers. The opening track, “Ruby,” provides a decent enough lead into the album before “Angry Mob,” trying to take it up a notch, fails to really make any impression about the so-called crowd of malcontents that are addressing themselves as if they’re anything special. “My Kind Of Guy,” which at least shows some kind of head for creative songwriting, and piano-to-rockabilly, “Learnt My Lesson Well,” both try and improve the monotony of the album but ult...