Biafra Five-O...
Here's where having a punk rock legacy and record label come in handy:

Jello Biafra, bitter ex-Dead Kennedys frontman, is having a two day celebration for his 50th birthday where he will be unveiling his as-yet-to-be-named new band. In addition, he'll be singing with The Melvins and probably having a blast. If any readers are based in the San Fransisco area, tickets aren't bad. The rest of us are shit-out-of-luck.
Here are the line-ups for two nights of Jello birthday celebration:
June 16th — (Great American Music Hall, San Francisco)
Jello Biafra with the Melvins
Jello Biafra's unnamed band
Drunk Injuns
Los Olvidados
The Melvins
June 17th — (Great American Music Hall, San Francisco)
Jello Biafra with the Melvins
Jello Biafra's unnamed band
The Melvins
More information can be found at The Great American Music Hall's website and of course Alternative Tentacles.
Letters From A Tapehead

Jello Biafra, bitter ex-Dead Kennedys frontman, is having a two day celebration for his 50th birthday where he will be unveiling his as-yet-to-be-named new band. In addition, he'll be singing with The Melvins and probably having a blast. If any readers are based in the San Fransisco area, tickets aren't bad. The rest of us are shit-out-of-luck.
Here are the line-ups for two nights of Jello birthday celebration:
June 16th — (Great American Music Hall, San Francisco)
Jello Biafra with the Melvins
Jello Biafra's unnamed band
Drunk Injuns
Los Olvidados
The Melvins
June 17th — (Great American Music Hall, San Francisco)
Jello Biafra with the Melvins
Jello Biafra's unnamed band
The Melvins
More information can be found at The Great American Music Hall's website and of course Alternative Tentacles.
Letters From A Tapehead