Shrinebuilder: Pyramid of the Moon

Yet another band I'd like to see keeping a safe distance from Philadelphia.

Shrinebuilder will be touring later this Spring with Neurot labelmates, A Storm of Light and Harvestman. Hopefully, some East coast dates will materialize.

3/02/2010 The Casbah - San Diego, CA
3/03/2010 Echo - Los Angeles, CA
3/04/2010 Echo - Los Angeles, CA
3/05/2010 The Voodoo Lounge - San Jose, CA w/ Harvestman, Brain Oil
3/06/2010 Oakland Metro - Oakland, CA w/ Harvestman, Laudanum
3/07/2010 The Independent - San Francisco, CA w/ Harvestman
3/09/2010 Neumo's - Seattle, WA

The below video is from an NYC performance last November.

Shrinebuilder - Pyramid of the Moon @ Poisson Rouge. Nov 15th, 2009 from Jack Crank on Vimeo.

Letters From A Tapehead


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