What I Heard This Morning/Week/Last Week: Arc In Round, Ape School, Rumplestiltskin Grinder

Some Philadelphia bred groups for you. The hometown bursts with talent and gets little to no press. First, Arc In Round . Juan Edgardo Rodriguez , the managing editor of No Ripcord, sent me a song and the band's self-titled album a few weeks ago. While I haven't been able to completely absorb the album yet, (been listening to two or three other albums for upcoming reviews), the band's single, "Hallowed" , I really enjoyed. There's a shoegazing, pop-infused bounce to the song I find very engaging. <p>&amp;amp;lt;a href="http://arcinround.bandcamp.com/album/arc-in-round"&amp;amp;gt;Arc in Round by Arc In Round&amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;gt;</p> I will, at some point, listen to the entire album, which was released June 26th. ____________________________________________________________ Next is Ape School , who will be releasing a new album later this August called, Junior Viole...