El Drugstore: "The Natives Are Getting Useless"

New Year's Eve brings about the release of El Drugstore 's upcoming new album, Plague Ship. As the release date approaches, the band thought it a good idea to release the new single, "The Natives Are Getting Useless," which offers a nice taste of the band's prog metal intensity. I can't embed the track, unfortunately, but it's up at MetalSucks . Or, check out this link . EL DRUGSTORE: MetalSucks Drops Single From NJ Instrumental/Prog Mutants' Debut Full-Length As New Jersey's mutant trio of the progressive metal scene, EL DRUGSTORE, prepares to sail their Plague Ship debut full-length, the first bait traps have been set with the release of the album's maiden single. Now streaming at MetalSucks, the sixth of the ten riff-torpedos loaded into Plague Ship 's cannons is a prime example of the deranged but dexterous and over-amplified, instrumental professionally-imbalanced craftsmanship these three deckhands mop the place up wit...