The Mailbox Giveth: Peter J. Woods

Peter J. Woods Impure Gold, Pt. 1 FTAM /HeWhoCorrupts Inc. Released: 6.10.14 FTAM is a Milwaukee-based community of artists who perform and create experimental art, music and theater. It's also the record label founded by noise artist Peter J. Woods , whose new album, Impure Gold Pt. 1 , made it to my front porch a little more than a month ago. Impure Gold Pt. 1 , which is apparently one part of a larger, more involved project that Woods is crafting, is not what one would call a pleasant listen. Woods combines indecipherable dialogue, incidental sounds, cacophonous fields of static or stinging sounds one could imagine a dog whistle producing were human ears capable of receiving its frequency. In short: tension. With "Empty Vessels," its distant quakes which assume the album's only true connection to percussion or any attempt at rhythm, its 12-minute length is, at times, difficult to endure. As strange bytes of robotic commentary seem to...