The Body: The Myth Arc
The Body specializes in misery. For their latest album, No One Deserves Happiness , the duo, members Chip King and Lee Buford , decided that their brand of bleak metal should be expanded or altered with unsettling dance rhythms and corrupted electro beats. The group's latest single, "The Myth Arc," is, in some ways, kind of beautiful. While a very loud series of echoing blasts of machined static drives the song, not to mention the droning riff that crumbles slowly after every stroke, vocalist Chrissy Wolpert , ( Assembly of Light ), exudes a calm and delicacy that's at odds with the horror beneath her, so much so that her promise that "I will find you" takes on a haunting level of foreboding. It is genuinely chilling and not too far removed from the sonic mastery that Scott Walker and SunnO))) exhibited in 2014's Soused . You can check out the video below. All video and release information and links were provided by Thrill Jockey. Actor...