The spoken tale of "The Ferryman," precedes the funerary tone of "Truth or Consequences," this 2-song 10" by Jarboe and Father Murphy a quick, intensely dark, and moving listen. Jarboe's sung melancholia lightly and beautifully suspends over the organ that introduces "Truth or Consequences," creating a grander, more tender transition into the repetitious prayer that carries the song to its end. Releasing today via Consouling Sounds , you can listen to the album below before you purchase it. You can order it here . All info, links, and tour dates are provided by Rarely Unable. LISTEN TO THE JARBOE & FATHER MURPHY EP, RELEASED TODAY VIA CONSOULING SOUNDS; LIVE SHOWS COMMENCE WITH RECORD RELEASE SHOW IN BELGIUM American artist and performer Jarboe and Italian occult duo Father Murphy release their collaborative EP today through Consouling Sounds , and commence their tour with a record release show in Belgium. LISTEN TO THE JAR...