OK, Boomer: My Favorite Records of 2019
While I understand the point of submitting these "best of" lists prior to the year's actual expiry, the reality persists that albums continue to emerge up until the last few seconds of the year tick away. That said, I'm hesitant to finalize these lists weeks prior to the New Year. This list has changed multiple times and been submitted and scrutinized in multiple different ways over the last couple of weeks of December. I think I got it now so, if you're interested, please read on. Omissions & Lamentations for 2019: I didn't write as much as I wanted to this year and I'll continue to blame my day-well-into-night job. I didn't submit a single video this year, so my YouTube channel is going to waste. I'll work on changing that in 2020. I missed a lot of releases and didn't get to talk about some that I really enjoyed. There were not enough show reviews in 2019 despite seeing some excellent performances by Neurosis and Oh Sees am...