What's (Re)New?: Sonic Youth's In/OUT/In

Sonic Youth In/OUT/In Three Lobed Recordings Released: 3/18/22 It was late in the life of Sonic Youth to release an album as excellent as Murray Street . Following my first listen of In/OUT/In , the recently issued compilation of material recorded during the band's Jim O'Rourke era, my ears could discern the time and place of these recordings (2000-2010) and I felt the need to revisit Murray Street (2002), Sonic Nurse (2004), and Rather Ripped (2006). This trio of releases would be the last of SY's major-label output prior to joining Matador for their final album, The Eternal (2009), and were met with almost-uniform positivity. With their Y2K-emergent NYC Ghosts and Flowers , reactive ambition clouded some of their decisions (plus, the theft of their instruments the prior year forced them to pick-up old instruments and start from scratch) and the band committed the sin of hyper-indulgence. Personally, I liked NYC Ghosts and Flowers , but the three-album...